
Questions? Visit the website at

Recommended to purchase pre-sale tickets online | Tickets are available first-come, first-serve | Limited Tickets available

Tickets available at door at $25/each for General Admission and $49/each for VIP while supplies and capacity lasts

  • Includes admission with ONE drink ticket for a seasonal drink of your choice, ONE branded shopping bag, PRIORITY entry at any time OR EARLY entry at 4:30 pm.

  • General event admission at 5 pm. General Admission requires a timed entry but allows you to stay as long as you’d like!

  • General event admission at 7 pm. General Admission requires a timed entry but allows you to stay as long as you’d like!

  • General event admission at 9 pm. General Admission requires a timed entry but allows you to stay as long as you’d like!

  • General event admission at 11 pm. General Admission requires a timed entry but allows you to stay as long as you’d like!

Personal Info


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System